Business Management CUEGIS Package


The package is all you need to ace your Business Management SL/HL CUEGIS essays, with a wide range of case facts and case studies from different companies. The package consists of the following documents:

  1. CUEGIS – McDonald’s: contains case facts for McDonald’s categorised by CUEGIS elements and in the format of how one CUEGIS element affects another (eg. how Globalisation has impacted business Strategy and induced organisational Change). Also contains a case study on Starbucks
  2. CUEGIS_(Nintendo): notes in essay format on how CUEGIS elements affect each other. Includes Nintendo case facts.
  3. CUEGIS_(KFC): notes in essay format on how CUEGIS elements affect each other. Includes KFC China case facts.
  4. CUEGIS_(Google): case facts for google categorised by CUEGIS elements
  5. CUEGIS_elements_&_relationships: a document defining each CUEGIS element and explaining the relationship between elements (all combinations explored)
  6. Model_CUEGIS_full_essay: A high scoring model essay on the question “With reference to an organisation of your choice, evaluate the impact of culture on innovation.”