contribute notes


We only accept notes from top scorers, defined as:

  • International Baccalaureate (IB): 43 to 45 pointers, and Grade 7 in the relevant subject
  • SAT Subject Test: 800 points in the relevant subject
  • SAT: 1580 to 1600 points
  • ACT: 35 to 36 points
  • Advanced Placement (AP): 5 points for the relevant subject
  • Other global standardized examinations


  • All notes submitted must have been prepared by you
  • We help market your notes and generate sales. We guarantee that your notes will face ZERO competition on our site. We do this by having only one set of notes per subject on sale. This is unlike other note-selling sites where you have to compete with many other notes and your notes may not even be viewed, even if they are of better quality.
  • In return, we take a 40% commission from each sale (excluding transaction fees)
  • We prefer notes in digital format (typed, not handwritten)
  • Notes should be comprehensive (covering the entire syllabus), except for literature where you may submit notes by set text (eg. Notes for The Great Gatsby)